Moisturizing oils on your body can hydrate and smooth your skin. Our faces glow and our wrinkles soften when we use it under our makeup. But there in one part of your body that is also in serious need of a little extra moisture -your vagina.

Some say thin, dry vaginal and vulvar tissues affect 75% of postmenopausal women. But it’s not just midlife or older women that suffer from vaginal dryness. There are any number of other circumstances that can thin and dehydrate your vagina,  such as having a baby, nursing, taking hormonal contraception, being treated for cancer with chemotherapy or radiation, and medications such as anti-histamines or decongestants.

As we age, the vaginal walls become thin and dry. Estrogen replacement can once again make intimacy painless. But what if you cannot take estrogen due to cancer or other medical conditions?  Moisture Drop perles used nightly can reduce those symptoms. They contain hemp (for pain relief), grapeseed oil (for healing and rejuvenation of the tissue) and Vitamin E (for moisture). Used nightly, they are inserted deeply into the vagina where they are absorbed by your body. They are all organic botanicals – made my mother nature, not some chemical company.

Do you have any of these symptoms?

Pain and spot bleeding during intercourse
Vaginal itching and burning
Thinning pubic hair
UTI infections

Vaginal moisturizers are frequently confused with lubricants. But they are not for sex. They are to prepare and heal your vagina so that you can once enjoy intimate relations.

“In the Pink” organic botanical moisturizers restore balance without the use of chemicals. You literally turn back the clock while you sleep. Consider them a daily “vaginal supplement”. “In the Pink” Moisture Drops are a safe and effective choice that just may change your life.